Halloween itself just turned into a series of unfortunate events. End of story there. Nothing went according to plan and a crummy situation got exacerbated by a lot of bad timing.
So Saturday I volunteered at the haunted house for the last time; there was a cast party afterwards and we took turns trying out this crazy rope swing that you clung onto after jumping off a giant pile of baled hay and went flying across the giant barn. It was terrifying but fantastic. Anyways, one of the actors was taking pictures and after he snapped one of me on the rope swing, he hurried over to me. "Meg," he said, "look at this picture, how weird is that?" For whatever reason, the picture had fogged up. None of the others he took had done so, so I privately started freaking out as my mind began jumping to every horror movie where death is preceded by a warped photograph of the person slated to go. I left shortly after and while I was pulling out of the long, dark, winding driveway, this light flashed through my rearview window out of nowhere at almost the same moment that the pumpkins I'd forgotten about in the trunk slammed against the backseat like a dead body. I drove home down unlit abandoned roads, passing lonely cornfields while continually relocking my doors and scaring myself half to death.
When I woke up Sunday morning and reached for my tear-a-day calendar, the word of the day was scarily indicative of the events that would later pass that day . . . which was creepy. Perhaps the weirdest thing to happen, though, came on Sunday afternoon while Katy and I were sitting in Starbucks doing work. These older ladies were sitting at a table right next to us talking, and after a while I couldn't do anything but listen to them because their conversation basically mirrored my entire life. They talked about a girl named Meghan and threw around the names of my boyfriend, father, and an estranged friend while making comments that were scarily accurate to current situations. Katy and I just eavesdropped, staring at each other wide-eyed until it just got too strange to handle.
I am happy to say, though, that things have come around, normalcy has been restored, and I have never been gladder to wake up and go to class. The moral of the story, boys and girls? Watch where you step. Don't fall down a rabbit hole. Wonderland is a little too weird a place to find yourself.
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