Saturday, July 5, 2008


There is now a map pinned to one of the walls at work, and we're all marking the hometowns of customers who come into the store. It's only been up for two days and already we have two pins in South Africa (Johannesburg and Durban), one in Buenos Aires, one somewhere in Peru, and a scattering of them east of the Mississippi. I could've pinned six European countries off the top of my head, but the rule is that we're starting fresh so they don't count.

I can never decide whether I think the world is tremendous or tiny. Meeting people from all over the place makes me lean towards the latter, but I also haven't ever been out of the country (excluding the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, but the border doesn't really count, eh?). Yet. It will happen. In the meantime, I'll just practice my geography at the register.

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