Saturday, July 5, 2008

Loose chains and video games

Yeah, I heard the "ooooooh" you expelled upon realizing that the layout is new. If I were you, I'd be impressed by my computer skills too. I'm kidding: almost all technology-based knowledge I have has been acquired on a trial-and-error basis . . . and I don't think I can brag very much about luck.

Anyways, it's time for a change. I've recently dumped some baggage (see: tools) that I've been carrying for way too long, and I can't even express to you how liberating it feels to have an uncluttered mind. In terms of Atari, my thoughts are more Pong than Pac-Man.

In unrelated news: I caught a shoplifter today; this woman tried to lift a Cap and Tee from the store in her baby's stroller. Classy. Perhaps I'll share the story when I'm not nodding off, yeah?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the way i picture this scenario, the woman responds to confrontation by enthusiastically singing, "What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor because hes hungry and the only way to feed him is to sleep with a man for a little bit of money and...?"

i love the picture at the top of the page.
miss you homie.

also, i cut my hair. very short. picture sinead o'connor.

slash it is still to my shoulders but just barely. hm.