Monday, April 27, 2009

Goings on about town

To continue with the finding of correlations from last post, the lack of recent posts has been directly correlated to the weather. Apparently spring has been dropped from the traditional progression of seasons because the town of Geneseo went directly from winter to summer. Today hit 89 degrees and I am very confused. The weather makes for excellent porch lounging and evening strolls about town, but the timing is less than conducive for getting work done, especially since it isn't late enough in the season for the library to turn on the air conditioner. Instead, I walk around with my backpack as a literal weight upon my shoulders and perpetually feel the need to shower.

Thursday, I helped judge a peace poetry contest for children in grades K-8. My team of three was delegated to the grades 6-8 category and it was completely entertaining. Looking at the submissions brought back the old humiliation of using riduculous fonts and rainbow-blended WordArt for sixth-grade assignments in Mrs. Camillery's class. Oh, the awkwardness of middle school. Anyways, my favorite poem of the bunch was what I believed to be accidental genius--this one kid's submission was a single line, typed in Courier New at the very top of a ripped piece of paper with his name scrawled in pencil on the back:

peace to me, is like falling asleep fading into a dream, from counting all those sheep

Wonderful, right? I scrawled it down on a corner of the Lamron so I wouldn't forget. As for the rest of the submissions . . . peace was compared to a banana, soccer, and a huge ice cream sundae (among other things). Hilarious. I refuse to acknowledge that I was ever that age.

There are officially sixteen days left in the semester. There are many, many pages to be written between now and then that I am presently ignoring to the best of my ability. Leaving for the summer will be strange, but I'm already looking forward to coming back in the fall and moving into the idyllic apartment . . . after an Irish adventure, of course. I don't know if it's the rapid changing of seasons, but things are moving really fast all of a sudden. It's an exhilarating thing, assuming I survive it all. Maybe I'll start counting sheep or something.

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