I was working today and this older man was trying on hats; he must've put every single one in the store on his head at one point or another, and when he finally came to the conclusion that not a single hat fit him just right, his wife began looking at jewelry. So as she's trying on necklaces in the mirror, he comes up to the counter and starts talking to me. I had Al Green playing again and he asked who it was on the radio; after I told him he said, "Oh, that Al Green, have you ever seen a picture of him?" I said that yes, I had, and he went on about how shocked he was to see him because his voice was so soulful and far-ranging, he'd thought he was black; he didn't think a white man's voice could sound like that.

Now, as we all know, Al Green
is black. For once I decided that I would just smile and nod instead of correcting the person, and he kept rambling on about how Mr. Green had this place up in Lennox near the Berkshires, and how there was a diner there that served an "Al Green omlette" because he and his wife would frequent there, and blah blah blah . . .
After about five minutes of him talking out of his posterior, he goes, "HOLD ON, THAT'S JAMES TAYLOR I'M THINKIN' OF!"
killing me, Smalls.
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